This week's wisdom courtesy of Gever Tulley
β€œPersistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems.”

πŸ“Ί Cultural Insights and Game Theory

Unveiling the Power of Cooperation and Central Park's Legacy

Explore the influence of culture on emotions, the dynamics of cooperation in game theory, and the historical battle for Central Park's green space.

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Seeing Clearly Through Deceptive Emotions: Unveiling the Influence of Culture on Perception

"Your culture is shaping your emotions and your emotions, in turn, are shaping your perception of the world."


It is crucial to understand the profound influence of culture on our emotional experiences. This video introduces the intricate relationship between culture, emotions, and perception, shedding light on how our cultural backgrounds shape our emotions and, in turn, color our interpretation of the world.


  • The Power of Cultural Influence: Culture shapes emotions, which, in turn, shape our perception of the world.
  • Emotion-Induced Biases: Awareness of our emotional state can help us recognize and mitigate biases in our perception.
  • Embracing Cultural Diversity: Understanding cultural differences in emotion can foster empathy, inclusivity, and stronger connections.

Unraveling the Game: How Cooperation Emerges in Life's Dilemmas

"In the repeated prisoner's dilemma, there is no single best strategy. The strategy that performs best always depends on the other strategies it's interacting with."

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