You might not enjoy how you get there, thing is, you get there 🔮

Today was one of those days, you know, wondering how you got where you are and contemplating the ideas of YOLO and FOMO :) On my birthday earlier this month, I made a wish. The wish was to be surrounded by my extended family, super smart people, life at the speed of a New York minute and doing what I love to do. Less than a week later, got my wish. The sense of loss is crippling, however, the sense of gain parts the clouds and allows the sun to beam down, a spotlight.

I feel like a caged lion finally being released. I’m scared shitless and in moments like this, these words come to mind:

“Every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals, who he is. It’s too late to be scared. It’s time to kill.”

I’m the lion.