Arthur C. Clarke knows about an Odyssey or two.
β€œNow I'm a scientific expert; that means I know nothing about absolutely everything.”

πŸŽ‰ How Today's Tech Reinvents Tomorrow's World

AI Bias, Quantum Breakthroughs, VR Evolution, Gaming Revolution: Unveiling Tomorrow's Tech Today!

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Uncovering Bias: The Impact of Generative AI on Hiring Practices

"Using generative AI for recruiting and hiring poses a serious risk for automated discrimination at scale."
OpenAI’s GPT Is a Recruiter’s Dream Tool. Tests Show There’s Racial Bias
Recruiters are eager to use generative AI, but a Bloomberg experiment found bias against job candidates based on their names alone


In a world where technology is increasingly integrated into every aspect of our lives, the use of generative AI in hiring practices has raised concerns about bias and discrimination. Let's explore the implications of this emerging trend.


  • AI in Hiring: Automation sharpens selection but risks echoing societal prejudices.
  • AI Recruitment Discrimination: Algorithms may streamline screening but inadvertently entrench racial bias.
  • AI Bias Mitigation: Active strategies are needed to counteract preconceptions wired into hiring software.

Revolutionizing Autonomous Driving with Generative AI

"If you want to be a Level 4 player, lidar is a must."

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