In the past seven years I’ve accumulated 425,990 miles over the course of 141 trips that lasted 1,688 days through 62 cities and 9 countries. By no means this is breaking any records, there are plenty of people that out-travel me in a New York minute, this is a quick collection of wisdom I’ve picked up through the miles and days.

  1. Purchase your ticket 24 hours in advance on your return
    You think it costs more if you book last minute than if you did in advance, right? If you fly as much as I do, it pays in the long run to have the flexibility and most importantly, full refunds on your flights if you miss them. I’d trade that for the $75 service charge and difference in flight fare any day. Plus, you never know what dots need connecting and how much time it takes to connect them. Flexibility and adaptibilty are your friends plus, flying by the bottom of your pants if fun from time to time.
  2. Life Savers: Apps and That
    Having an arsenal of information at your fingertips is crucial. This is the list of applications and services that have helped me countless times with the greatest of ease. My favorite is FlightBoard :)
    TripItFlightBoardKayakHotel TonightAirbnb
    HopStopHipmunk ▲ And every airline app you fly with, cause you never know.
  3. Horse blinders
    Ever keep your headphones in purposely to avoid having to deal with those chatty passengers that sit beside you? Finally found a solution, horse blinders over the eyes. Everyone leaves you alone. My flights are heavenly and usually asleep before take-off. A drop of Neroli or whatever essential oil that gets you to relax is a nice touch.
  4. Power packs
    Mophie. These guys have saved me for the one time many times. The Mophie brick can charge four phones and you get lots of new friends in the process. #nuffsaid
  5. The Internets
    Always Stay Connected is the new Always Be Closing. In the digital space, you can conduct business any where and any time. Gogo Inflight is a killer too. It’s easy to stay connected when you’re lost in clouds.
  6. Go nuts
    Best snack food to roll with hands down. Grab your nuts and go fly the friendly skies, you’ll thank me for it, and so will your body. Lots of stress going on during a travel day and going nuts will give you the fuel you need.
  7. Packing right isn’t always light
    Learn to pack. This is the key to travel and having an interchangeable wardrobe to sit on a beach or boardroom. There are videos on YouTube that showcase packing skills. The amount of gear that you can fit into a suitcase in under 50lbs is astonishing. I’ll have to take pictures.
  8. Membership does have it’s priveleges
    Lounges. Splurge and become a member. Can’t tell you how nice it is to be pampered before or during your travel experience. It becomes a second home. I internet heavily in these lounges when there are long layovers.
  9. Ask questions
    You’ll be surprised. Asked once if I could fly the plane as a joke, ended up flying a plane. Just ask for things, the worse that they can say is no. Worse things have happened. Ask what the rules are on things so you get it right from the horse’s mouth. See what you can get away with ;) It’s amazing what happens when you just ask the questions.
  10. Rental Cars
    Every city other than New York, rent a car. Used to bounce between rental companies based on price. Now I’m loyal to one company. Having a car lends itself to be flexible and adaptable. Cannot tell you how many times where someone needed a ride to an airport or what have you and now you can simplify their day with a chariot awaiting. Which ties in the next point…
  11. Help others
    Short people have a hell of a time putting their carry on luggage in the overhead compartments, be a good person and offer assistance. Do one thing to make someone’s life around you that much easier especially when they’re travelling. There is no telling the impact of that small gesture after you depart the plane. It could have triggered a snowball effect of good deeds. You’ll never know till you try.

Those are the pearls. You’ll find your own that suit your own needs.

Travel safe and travel well.