And what’s happening Anil Dash?

Been noticing the Editor’s Picks on Medium are mostly established bloggers that have platforms to voice their opinions and beliefs, which is awesome. However, I’m also noticing said bloggers are upcycling content from their Greatest Blog Hits of Yesteryear, albeit they are still valuable. To serve cold leftovers seems just a tad bit tacky, just saying.

I get it. New platform requires users to build it up. What better way than to provide awesome content to read and make people into fans, it’s how they got me. As Medium grows, am hoping that this is no longer a requirement to push The Greatest Hits and the algorithm changes on how my content is delivered to me and rated.

The founders of Twitter made this thing I’m typing into right now and do recall in the early days of Twitter, they would ask me nicely, “What are you doing?” and then moved away from a non-status orientated request of “What’s happening?” It’s just a much more pleasant question to be asked. Using Twitter in the early days always made me feel like I did something wrong. Which leads me to my next question.

Anil Dash sent me an email with regards to this post (see below).He’s such an awesome fellow.

What’s happening Anil Dash? My respect for you is off the chain but need to ask the question to bring you into this moment to share a story of what’s happening in your life, now? Mr. Dash, I detest it like a sickness, all this repurposing and upcycling. Commendable that you’ve built such an audience and on so many new platforms, it just reminds of the drug dealers on the corner muscling out the little guy on all those television shows. It leaves me crestfallen to see a new format for written expression and yet no new content is formed out of the leaders, or in other hipper terms, an influencer. From regurgitated posts to ghost writers, it all sucks. At least the ghost writers provide new insights. Mr. Dash, I know you’re busy. I know you’re extremely successful. And I definitely know I’m giving you a hard time :) Thanks for being a good sport if you ever do contribute or read this Mr. Dash.

If you should have wisdom to impart and you choose not to, well that is a tragedy. It is one’s duty to share in that experience and the lessons that will help others. You never know how that will affect another reading your story. The dots keep on connecting long after you’ve left.

This Medium is such a new and refreshing way to share and collaborate. Kudos are in order, but still gotta ask the questions :)

UPDATE: Anil sent me an email in response to adding him as a collaborator.

Thanks for the heads-up, Khayyam. For what it’s worth, I republished my pieces mostly just to try out the Medium system. I do strongly agree that these networks shouldn’t just promote people who’ve already got a platform to talk, which is why the first thing I wrote on Medium was this:
Hope that helps explain where I’m coming from.

Yeah it does. Thanks for reaching out and connecting Mr. Dash, even bigger fan now. Not to mention that @Ev reached out on another note and got me connected straight to the best support staff, ever. I’m slowly moving away from my RSS feed and having Medium as my first place for new refreshing content.